In this post, we will take a look at the last two challenges 10 and 11.

So let's start:

Lvl 10 Slot Machine

pragma solidity 0.4.24;

import "../CtfFramework.sol";
import "../../node_modules/openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";

contract SlotMachine is CtfFramework{
    using SafeMath for uint256;
    uint256 public winner;

    constructor(address _ctfLauncher, address _player) public payable
        CtfFramework(_ctfLauncher, _player)
        winner = 5 ether;

    function() external payable ctf{
        require(msg.value == 1 szabo, "Incorrect Transaction Value");
        if (address(this).balance >= winner){

To win we need to make a contract balance greater or equal than 5 eth. But we see that we can only send 1 szabo (0.000001 eth) at the time to contract.

There are three ways to avoid activating fallback function:

  1. miner block rewards
  2. using selfdestruct
  3. send ether to contract before it is created

Since we don't want to mine, we will go with approach two. Function selfdestruct(address) destroys contract and transfers all balance to a specified address. It is a way of cleaning contracts from the blockchain.

Our solution:

function endIt() external {
    require(msg.sender == owner);

Lvl 11 Rainy Day Fund

pragma solidity 0.4.24;

import "../CtfFramework.sol";

contract DebugAuthorizer{  
    bool public debugMode;

    constructor() public payable{
        if(address(this).balance == 1.337 ether){

contract RainyDayFund is CtfFramework{
    address public developer;
    mapping(address=>bool) public fundManagerEnabled;
    DebugAuthorizer public debugAuthorizer;

    constructor(address _ctfLauncher, address _player) public payable
        CtfFramework(_ctfLauncher, _player)
        //debugAuthorizer = (new DebugAuthorizer).value(1.337 ether)(); // Debug mode only used during development
        debugAuthorizer = new DebugAuthorizer();
        developer = msg.sender;
        fundManagerEnabled[msg.sender] = true;

    modifier isManager() {
        require(fundManagerEnabled[msg.sender] || debugAuthorizer.debugMode() || msg.sender == developer, "Unauthorized: Not a Fund Manager");

    function () external payable ctf{
        // Anyone can add to the fund    

    function addFundManager(address _newManager) external isManager ctf{
        fundManagerEnabled[_newManager] = true;

    function removeFundManager(address _previousManager) external isManager ctf{
        fundManagerEnabled[_previousManager] = false;

    function withdraw() external isManager ctf{

We see that there is modifier isManager blocking us to withdraw funds from the contract. To bypass it we can either be contract creator or be in debug mode.

If we look at the contract DebugAuthorizer it sets debugMode to true only if balance is 1.337 eth during creation. This means that we need to send eth to contract before it is created.

Contract addresses in ethereum are deterministic and can be calculated using the following formula: keccak(RLP(sender address, nonce)))

RLP stands for Recursive Length Prefix, a type of encoding used by ethereum. A good explanation can be found on wiki.

In solidity we can calculate address as follows:

function addressFrom(address _origin, uint _nonce) external pure returns (address) {
    return address(keccak256(byte(0xd6), byte(0x94), _origin, byte(_nonce)));

Let's explain these magic numbers.

  1. Since we are RLP encoding array [address, nonce], the first number we have to provide is 0xd6 = 0xc0 (for lists of total length less than 55 bytes, as defined in the standard) + 0x16 (length of the list in our case)
  2. 0x94 = 0x80 (constant for strings 0-55 bytes long) + 0x14 (length of address without prefix 0x, 20 bytes)
  3. nonce has no RLP prefix since we assume here that it will be smaller than 0x7f, otherwise we would need to add it as well as modify the first byte.

Since we now know how to calculate future address lets look at how we can get nonce. The nonce is a number that is sequentially incremented after each transaction, starting from 0 in case of wallet addresses.

Contracts are a bit special, their nonce value starts at 1 (since EIP 161) and gets only incremented when a contract creates another contract. To find current nonce we can use etherscan and count number of contract creations (under Internal Txns tab) or we can get the same number using javascript.

web3.eth.getTransactionCount("0xed0d5160c642492b3b482e006f67679f5b6223a2", (err,res)=>{console.log(err,res);})

Looking at the source, we see that we need to calculate new address two times:

  1. first find the current nonce of developer contract and calculate the address of the new RainyDayFund contract that will be created.
  2. since RainyDayFund contract will create new contract DebugAuthorizer in the constructor, we need to calculate the address of that contract as well (nonce will be 1 since it is the first contract created from RainyDayFund)

After getting both addresses we need to send 1.337 eth to address we calculated for DebugAuthorizer contract and reset challenge from the dashboard to redeploy RainyDayFund. If we did everything correctly we can just call withdraw and win :D

- F3real